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▶Generation of recipes for target shade.

▶Recipe sort on Metamerism an Cost

▶Color Difference analysis of recipe

▶Plots of color difference values

▶Waste re-utilisation: Finished products can be stored in Database as a new colorant, this color can then be used in Formulation or Batch Correction of a recipe(2 constant applicatons)


Colorant Formulation Program

● Formulation of new shads, using your own colorants, on desired substrate like paper, plastic, textile, glass, leather etc., with color and cost analysis of recipe.
● Alternate recipes for the same target shade.
● Prediction of opacity and colorant loading for desired opacity.
● Optimization of existing recipes i.e. reduction of any extra amount of colorant that does not contribute to final color and opacity.
● Reduction of your colorant inventory by matching more number of shades and using lesser number of colorants.
● Elimination of recipes that are metameric in nature.
● Formulation of least cost recipes. i.e. by substitution of more expensive coloratns coloratns by cheaper alternatives.
● Trying of new colorant raw materials, in existing formulation, offerd by different manufacturers.
● Color Module sectoring.
● Recipe sort on cost and Metamerism.
● User definable color tolerances for formula selection
● Reflectance printout of each recipe.
● "Formula-on Screen" of recipes.
● Intelligent Match Feature.
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제6조(처리하는 개인정보의 항목)

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1. 임직원에 대한 인사 노무 관리
- 성명, 성별, 주민등록번호, 연락처, 주소, 가족사항, 결혼여부, 병역사항, 학력사항, 경력사항, 자격/면허사항, 외국어, 해외연수, 이메일주소, 계좌번호